2024 Cyber-Security Outlook – Year in Review

2024 Cyber-Security Outlook – What you need to know. Written by: Dr. Rigoberto Garcia, Anne Sophia Garcia   Welcome to the future of cyber-security! As we gear up for 2024, it’s crucial for individuals and businesses alike to stay ahead of the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats. From hackers honing their skills to malicious software becoming increasingly sophisticatRead More…

CSPOG Use Case Study

CSPOG Cybersecurity Case Study CSPOG Solar Power Plant Introduction of the CSPOG Solar Power Plant Case Study  Overview of the Case Study This case study presents a scenario involving CSPOG, a mid-sized Solar Power plant, to illustrate the challenges and strategies related to cybersecurity in the digital Solar Power sector. The focus is on how CSPOG navigated a cyber-attack, the subsequent iRead More…

Benefits of Using Dell Technologies to Integrate with Azure HCI Stack

Benefits of Using Dell Technologies to Integrate with Azure HCI Stack Written by Dr. Rigoberto Garcia, December 2021 Introduction The integration of Dell Technologies systems with Microsoft Azure Stack HCI (Hyper-Converged Infrastructure) delivers a seamless hybrid cloud environment. This article explores the key benefits of using Dell Technologies in tandem with Microsoft Azure HCI, highlightinRead More…

Economic crises

The pandemic has caused the worst economic crisis in living memory. Yet Americans were more downbeat about the state of the economy during the Great Recession than they are now. A new study from the Pew Research Center says 69% of Americans think the current economic situation is bad, while 30% think it’s good. By comparison, only 17% thought the economy was in good shape in 2009, the woRead More…

What is a Fact Table?

Fact Table discussion. A fact table is the central table in a star schema of a data warehouse. A fact table stores quantitative information for analysis and is often deformalized. In data warehousing, a fact table consists of the measurements, metrics or facts of a business process. It is located at the center of a star schema or a snowflake schema surrounded by dimension tables. … The Read More…

Quantum-Resonance Cybernetics (QRC)

Article Quantum-Resonance Cybernetics (QRC) Dr. Rigoberto Garcia Affiliation 1; rgarcia@softwaresolutincopr.com Affiliation 2; rgarcia@ssai.institute *   Correspondence: rgarcia@softwaresolutioncorp.com; Tel.: 1 (202) 379-1862 x1121 Abstract: The digital cyberspace realm, much like the physical ocean, is a vast expanse where data flows like water through channels and neRead More…